Stanfield Press

News with Views

According to Sources Considered Reliable:

Mayor Kevin 'Glitterbug' Barbee blew his stack at the most recent Zoning Board Meeting over some missed opportunities to block some now grandfathered issues. The lack of timely action was of course blamed on others (Barbee Style.) We can only suggest that Dumbass (aka Robert 'the Gold Brick' Harvey) update his Resume ASAP, for he might need to look for some other community to terrorize as Administrator - in my opinion. We have captured some images of this meeting for you and hope you find them entertaining:

Video number 1 is Kevin blowing his stack, complete with his ears turning a bright red color, according to witnesses. The second video is a highlight of his speech at that meeting. (speech = rant)

How Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith can save his failing idea for a Bar & Deli.

I have asked around and many folks agree with me about Jason possibly being a pickle fanboy

(Latent Homosexual), due to his lisping, simpering NPR type voice and the sexual nature in which he speaks to and about other men, especially when he is pissed off.

Therefore, in my usual way of 'just trying to help' - I think I can make some Business Model suggestions for Ole Slugfoot.

Turns out that several Bouncer friends of mine, who go where they are sent, work wise - have reported to me that they recognize several Men Folk from the Stanfield/Locust/Midland area, as customers of various alternate lifestyle 'type' Charlotte bars. Some of these bars are mixed use (Straight & Gay LGBT) and some are 100% full on gay bars.

These recognized locals 'who swing both ways' always come in with the white of their ring fingers showing, as in their wedding ring has been taken off.

Just think how much driving you could save these guys Jason!

Providing a 'local place to go' for these Packers would be Money in the Bank, for sure....and we all know that money is all you care about, Jason.

So, 'in my opinion' Jason should finally give in to his nasty Man-Love cravings, Come Out (of the closet) Swinging, snub his former buddies on the Town Council and save his Stanfield Bar idea.

Below are a few suggested names, I think he might actually like and consider using one.

And Yes, I am still 4th Generation - Don't Give a Damn - what Slugfoot's sorry ass thinks.

Hammer Time Bar & Grill

The Man Hole

The Ramrod, Pool Hall & Bathhouse

Peek-A-Boo Pub & Leather Shop

JRS-Brokerage & Sausage House

Down Low Beer & Bagel Buns

Moon Crickets Lounge

Manwich Park & Shop

Hotdog Heaven, LLC.

Born This Way Burgers & Shakes

Rumpy Rangers Cafe

Rear Enders Pub & Club

Pillow Biters Sandwich Shop

Well, you get the point and I was glad to help, as always.

NEW - 8/22

Stanfield Taliban ???


The Stanfield Town Council held a Secret Santa Meeting at Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee's Church!

While the legality of such is unknown, it is certainly in bad taste and has caused quite an uproar in the community. Is this a sign of things to come, will we start holding Public Stonings, will the women be required to start wearing Burkas? 

The meeting ended with yet another 'Gag Us with a Spoon Pandering to the Moral Majority'

by Larry 'My Big Glass House' Sides  - about voting out the ability to buy alcohol in Stanfield.

Never mind the fact that a chunk of all the goodies (and staff) these folks spend money on like its water - can be tracked back to taxes tied in with those same alcohol sales!

What about this putting Joy and her gas station out of business? You guys won't be able to make up the tax income difference, even if you have that fat bastard Harvey drive around all day (that would be a first, as in actually working all day), looking for more folks to mess with, fine or charge for extra trash cans, etc.

Then Again:

What does Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee care about the availability of alcohol in Stanfield, he was recently caught coming out of the ABC Store (way the Hell over) in Monroe taking a new stash of Hooch to his car. According to folks who have done work for him at his house, he has a full bar that would make even Harvey's naughty bits tingle with joy.

These people are Hypocrites, That's my opinion and that of several others who weren't born yesterday.

Do Not mix Politics with Religion, it's a slippery slope and as more folks migrate away from Kevin's church, he will find more folks voting against him than for him.

Kevin Barbee throws Jason Smith Under the Bus, puts it in reverse, backs over his ass and then rolls forward again. The only thing he has done that I approve of...hahahaha.

Yes, after selling his mortal soul to Kevin, along with his vote - in exchange for virtual amnesty for all sins, except maybe bloody murder - Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith just took it in the Keister from Ole Kevin.

You can't make deals with Ole Scratch Jason and you can't reliably make deals with people who only care about themselves and their Bogus Public Image (in the opinion of myself and others.)

Yes, just when you needed him on the 'To Be or Not to Be' Bar/Saloon Vote - Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee threw you away like the sour rag you are....but then claimed it was nothing personal.

Oh My God, there's your sign Dumbass, you are officially down to ZERO Friends.

When I started this site almost a year ago, I was somewhat worried that I would run out of stuff to post about, but you can't make this stuff up. This Administration is a virtual Soap Opera, we're talking Crazy Town, Bonkers, Twilight Zone, etc. Hells Bells, instead or running out of stuff to bring to the public (in my own special way), I can barely keep up!

My point being - How's it Feel Jason?

Jason has apparently tried to 'monetize' a Charitable Organization:

It has been brought to my attention (by members) that since Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith took over the meeting site/meal preparation for the Lions Club - meals have gone from $5.00 a person to $8.00 per person (can you believe this guy!) and gone are the homemade deserts and the food isn't nearly as good. Only a Son of a Bitch would do that, in my opinion, and it is costing the recently combined Locust/Stanfield Chapter several members. Way to go again Jason, keep it up and you will be a self-correcting problem.

James 'Special Favors' Schneider No Longer Stanfield's Flexible Police Chief.

In fact, he's not even on the Stanfield Police Dept. period, as of approx. 2 weeks ago.

What follows is 'as usual' my opinion, but an enjoyable one. I say Good Riddance with more to come.

I'm sure Stanfield's Questionable Leadership Coven will have some difficulty finding a more corrupt Police Chief, but I'm sure they will manage.

Suggested new lines of work for Jimmy aka James Schneider, are as follows:

Used Moped Salesman, Palm Reader, Congressman, Prostitute, Lawyer, Bag Man, Paid Informant, Getaway Driver, Banker, Shady Real Estate Agent, Quack Doctor, Black Market Specialist, Storm Aftermath Bagged Ice Salesman, Stripper but who would pay to see that, T.V. Evangelist, N.Y. Street Peddler, Mobbed Up Union Leader, Stockbroker, Telemarketer, Door to Door Salesman, Used Car Salesman, Armed Forces Recruiter, Card Shark, Hustler, Pimp, Cut Rate Travel Agent, Justin Bieber's Spin Control Media Agent, Jackie Chan's Stunt Double, Mayor Barbee's Biographer, Marketing Agent for Erectile Dysfunction Herbs, Human Resources Manager at a Brothel, Aluminum Siding Salesman, etc.

So, James - as you can see, not all hope is lost as to you finding employment elsewhere. In the mean time, the rest of us will have to hold our breath as to if his replacement is even worse. Hrmmm.

Resistance to Tyranny - is Obedience to God




* As more information comes in, I will be the first to post it here.

Needless to say, I feel certain that those in High Places around here

are probably going to have a Group Suicide (Japanese Style),

once this hits the street. Even I am rocked back on my heels by it all.

* The information is already posted, just not publicly visible yet,

but let's just say that if anything happens to me, persons with co-access to this website's control panel WILL make it Public.

I also decided (as of this week) to advertise this site, not just here, but also in the surrounding Counties!

* Then we have the issue that apparently a favorite past-time around here (regardless of who is actually doing it and why) is to loosen people's wheel lug nuts in hopes that they will crash and die. I have already received two reports from those affected.

As for me, I have documentation (on company letterhead) that my personal wheels and lug nuts are just fine and they damn well better stay that way. You think I'm all over you people like white on rice now, you start dorking with my car and you will most likely find yourself on Candid-Camera and heading to Jail.

* Paid Informants - the type that like a crack whore are always Jonesing for their next fix or payoff - have been reported to me to in fact exist. These so-called Moles do not reportedly exist for the benefit of True Crime Solutions, but instead are in place for the benefit of the Stanfield Police - read that as the type of Informants that get paid to say what certain 'authorities' tell them to, in order to get a handful of dollars.

This is not just my opinion: One known informant is definitely in place, his cover blown. I will be in contact shortly with a person who had a family member approached with an offer of being Compensated for acting as a snitch......problem is, snitches and informants who are financially compensated are notorious for being willing to say You shot JFK personally, even if you were in diapers at the time.

Law Enforcement using the self created Problem-Reaction-Solution is nothing new, but in the hands of the morally-flexible scumbags running our Police Department (my opinion and a growing number of others) is a Clear and Present Danger to ANYONE who dares to stand up. As I seem to be one of only a few with enough Cojones to do so, once again - I have made prior arrangements. I wouldn't put anything at all past the scum (my opinion and a growing number of others) that are running things around here.

I'm not talking about the empty suits who hold positions simply to feel good about themselves, make their relatives look good or simply to impress others. I'm also not talking about reportedly entry level Alzheimer's-afflicted Councilmen, who shouldn't even be in office.

No, I am speaking of those 'authorities' that have shown me, based on my own personal interactions with

them, to behave like so many Witches at Black Masses. The types of personalities that conspire, twist, target, abuse, lie, pervert for their own gain or glory the Governmental System. They do as they please, they must certainly laugh at us behind closed doors, the type of folks who prosper based on the inaction of those they are reportedly in place to serve.

I am of the unanimous opinion that the current leadership of Stanfield, North Carolina is the most corrupt gaggle of self-serving Dung Beetles that I have ever personally witnessed in action. But alas, you can run on, you can run on for a long time, but sooner or later - you push too hard, grab for too much and the people will turn on you. Therefore, it is my opinion that the current Leadership of Stanfield, North Carolina will be a self-correcting problem....but that is No Excuse for the rest of you to sit on your hands and hope it will all go away on its own. If you are not paying attention or don't care, then Shame on You.

* As for myself - I am a Man on Fire.

A non-violent, educated, inspired person who is tired of what he sees going on and has therefore taken a stand. Like Cockroaches running from a bright light....see how they run.

My Opinion Is, as follows:

July 8th

There are a lot of folks getting sick and tired of these Town Council guys, along with our useless, photo-op craving 'GlitterBug' Mayor. Hey Barbee, it's Stanfield, not Paris France - you are a Nobody and we like you even less than we did. As for the Town Administrator, Robert 'GoldBrick' Harvey, I have yet to find anyone who ever did like him, other than Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith, but he doesn't count.

Judging from the flood of feedback coming in from the viewers of StanfieldPress, I can say with confidence that a growing number of people are starting to see these so-called Town Leaders in a new light.

They do as they please, act all high and mighty, show themselves preferences, constantly pat each other on the back, spend money like it was growing on trees, make excuses for everything, blame everyone else when they screw up, cover for each other and pass one stupid ass ordinance after the other.

Those couple of Councilmen that are not villainous, certainly sit by and do nothing about the ones who are and by doing so - they make themselves just as guilty, but of a different sin.

Heck, I thought I was the only one sick and tired of these Butt-Muffins to the degree that I am, but it turns out that I have more info coming in from more folks that are also fed-up, than I can follow up on.

I have decided to name this growing number of Good People - The Stanfield Tyranny Response Team!

...To Be Continued.

This is a NEW Topic Page, as of July 3rd 2014

Lordy, Lordy.

One and quite possibly Two planned Lawsuits focused on the Town of Stanfield

* (both reportedly centered around the Stanfield Police Department), have been brought to my attention.

What I think of the Police Chief can be seen below, simply click on the Blue box to view:

Always Scroll Down for the Newest Postings & Editorials

Forbidden Information & Corruption

Stanfield, N.C. 28163