Stanfield Press

News with Views

So, what are the details of this so-called 6 cent tax reduction SCAM?

(Based on a Good Faith Effort that was generated by speaking with many sources, complete with tax receipts going back to 2005, I now give you the following to consider.)

The current Mayor Kevin 'GlitterBug' Barbee Administration, in my opinion

(and that of many others), is guilty as charged with the stealing of the 'temporary' extra 8 cents per thousand tax, many years beyond when it was intended to have expired.

* A theft of funds that totals as much as $700,000.00 Dollars, maybe more.

It was discovered years ago that Stanfield failed to pay the annual fee of over $90,000.00 to the Locust Fire Department for approx 2 years, so a 'Temporary Tax' of 8 cents per $1,000.00 was put into place to make up the past-due amount and get Stanfield current again. This 'Temporary Tax' started in approx. 2005 and was designed to sunset in 2 years or less.

So, we have around 7 + years of extra tax -times- $90,000.00+ per year!

Wow...No wonder Barbee's Bandits have been spending money like a gaggle of homeless Crackheads with a stolen-bottomless pit Visa Card!

See the image of a 2005 Property Tax Bill below, showing the

then new 38 cents per thousand tax rate.

During this same time frame:

We all got screwed out of additional money, via a 'per lot' sewer fee (one that is charged if actually hooked up to the sewer or not and even if your land is developed or not.) Then, residents also got hit with an additional $1.50 fee per billing cycle, marked as an Administrative Fee.

* The extra $1.50 per sewer customer monthly fee (as admitted by a current Town Councilmen to a witness/resident), was to support the cost of our now former (thank God) Town Administrator Robert 'GoldBrick' Harvey.

However, this $1.50 monthly fee is still being charged long after Harvey was run off for, well...GoldBricking.  (The 'Official' B.S. Cover Story not withstanding)

* One Prominent Local Resident (based on her son, as a witness to me) complained about this extra $1.50 charge on her bill and was able to get it removed, but the rest of us little people still have to pay it.

Even with all this extra 'loot' flooding in:

There was the now infamous Hunt for Red October style of what we call the...
Revenue Advancement Project of Enhancement (R.A.P.E.) mindset, involving roving gangs of 'Authorities' money grubbing incessantly. Items of interest included Spare Trash Can Fees, placing liens on non-compliant residents (once they became past due on various charges), insane tap-on fees, money owed to residents, but not readily repaid, along with anything else {They} could dream up! All of this in order to produce more and more $$$ for their glorified window-dressing projects, at least one useless staff member and their various cool guy equipment purchases, etc.  (All done during a Down Economy!)

Recently, as a Grand Gesture: 

* (read that as them trying to look good going into the next election cycle)

The 'GlitterBug' Barbee Administration announced that they would be reducing residents tax rate by 6 cents per thousand (which is a Scam), because 100% of the above described 8 cent per thousand tax hike was meant to sunset years ago, but never did. Under this (Scam) to reduce taxes by 6 cents per thousand - They will continue to steal the extra 2 cents!  6+2 = 8...for our Kentucky based viewers.

What these Turkeys should do:

Is legitimately reduce annual taxes by 12 cents per thousand, in order to refund the overcharge - and even then, the Barbee Administration would be paying back the the Residents of Stanfield Half as Fast as they stole that extra money and interest free to boot!

Stanfieldians should throw Barbee and all of his co-conspirators out of office!

There are 3 Current Town Council Members with seats up for grabs in the upcoming election, later this year:

Jerry 'A Bridge to Nowhere' Williams

Larry 'Mysterious Job Loss' Sides

Jason 'Slugfoot/Craphead' Smith

Be sure to let them know just how much you appreciate being fleeced, especially during several years worth of a Bad Economy, then kick them to the curb!

* * *

After shapeshifting into his spoiled brat, angry Goat alter-ego...

Mayor Barbee is shown in the hidden video below, being questioned about all this by a Latino resident of Stanfield.

GlitterBug was very contemptuous, denied everything, went on to make counter-accusations and did a lot of spitting.

The video pauses for a second in the middle, but keep watching.

Thanks to the Goobers running things, we almost got ourselves a Water Park. This poor management related screw-up cost up to $6,000 for Stanfield Taxpayers and it wasn't even for the greater good - it was for the benefit of a single business owner.

Below, you will see an image of what might as well have been the extra space that $33,000 was just wasted on for the P.D. Never mind that the old Police Station was the best in the County, of which the Town still owes Rick Huggins thousands of Dollars for, but never made good on! All of this for Cops who are almost never there.

Voters of Stanfield - Had Enough Yet?

Be sure to take a look at the most recent Mayor's Corner Topic - for a good laugh.

When I started this site - I must admit that there was a concern over running out of stuff to report, but here we are 17 months later and I'm still laughing my ass off at what these Dorks keep handing me to work with. You just can't make this stuff up.

Please Note: Recently added & additional info about the current topic of :

The 6 Cents Tax Reduction SCAM

can be seen just above the Angry Goat video, further down this page!

I would ask that all Stanfieldians - who are Not mindless Camp Followers of Mayor Barbee ... vote for (Brian Webb) in the upcoming election for Town Council.

I ask this not as a form of revenge, but so that I (along with other new representatives) may attempt to fix or at least minimize the last 10 years of idiocracy fostered upon us at the hands of Mayor 'GlitterBug' Barbee & Co. This would include a dismantling of Kevin's Untouchable Class, a group that I call the 'Friends of Friends Network' (it's not fair that the rest of us are on the outside looking in), the Hand Washing & Special Favors, the Financial Waste, the Double Standards and the Unreasonably High Cost of Living that is all out of sorts to our location. All of which Kevin Barbee has allowed to exist and apparently promoted, relished and even benefited from.  -  wouldn't even exist if Mayor Barbee's pompous ass had simply taken the time to respond to and deal with the issue(s) fostered upon me by his corrupt minions - forever known here as Jason 'Slugfoot/Craphead' Smith & Robert 'Goldbrick' Harvey.

I'm not a gambling man, but I bet he now wishes like 40Hells that he had.

Note to Self- If he will do it to me, he will also do it to you and that is what I want to fix.

A Mayor should be a Mayor to all the citizens of Anytown USA, but I was not in his group of enablers and he cared not for me and he probably doesn't give a rip about you either, at the end of the day.

If I were to be elected, unlike the others you now witness in office, I 'would be available' and I would not treat any of you differently than the next. Elected Office should be an honor, not a gateway to personal power or ego, but alas, that is what you currently have and it needs to stop. Remember - All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for Good Men to do Nothing.