News with Views
In His usual Passive-Aggressive & Cowardly way:
Barbee also saw to it that on the same page, a reminder be posted about people and their pets.
Yeah, go for it craphead, you and your underlings messing with peoples pets is how this 5th Dimension to Hell opened up for your ass in the first place. Hey, I have a great idea, why don't you and your sons stop firing rifles, shotguns and pistols behind your house, you do after all live in town and there is an ordinance about not doing so. Every time I hear you and yours popping off, I'm going to call your bought and paid for personal police department and then keep a record of how they Don't actually write you up for it. Don't think for a moment that none of us have noticed this going on!
You do realize that based on the directional sound of the shots being fired that many of those shots are apparently in the direction of your glorious Town Park. How are you idiots going to explain a Carowinds Type Shooting, when one of those slugs takes out a kid or two? Wait a minute, I forgot, you're the Mayor and none of these rules and very few of the Town invoked fees apply to you. Hmm.
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The Second Quarter of 2015 Mayor's Corner:
To celebrate the sudden re-issuing of the Town's Newsletter, this Mayor's Corner will be a 'Translation' of what GlitterBug probably really means to say. This of course is only our Educated Opinion of what we feel is the absolute most Bogus, Poser, Chucklehead of a Mayor that Stanfield has ever had.
In this recently available Town Newsletter, a collection of (Blue Sky, Unicorns, Everything is Perfect - so go back to sleep) propaganda that we've ever seen presented with a straight face, Mayor Boobie...err Barbee really outdid himself. This Barbee guy sure can sling epic levels of B.S.
* The so-called words of Mayor Barbee are seen in Black below and our Translation is in Blue.
* We are not responsible for the Mayor's lack of proper punctuation.
This is the time of year when nature always surprises me. The flowers appear larger and brighter than I remember.
...It's called being drunk and/or Liver failure!
The dogwoods blooming send an excitement down my casting arm just waiting for the first fish to bite.
...Gag me with a spoon, where does this Dork get this stuff? I for one am sick of hearing about your phony sportsman related prowess, usually proceeded by some metro-sexual sounding weather/seasonal report.
Does Barbee actually write this crap? Or is it his wife? Maybe one of his 'reported' extramarital friends?
Spring sports give many parents and grandparents the opportunity to enjoy baseball and soccer with their younger players.
...Never mind the rocks in the sports field dirt, you could get seriously injured out there, thanks of course to corrupt individuals involved in the purchase of said dirt. How much was the kick-back for paying for 1st Class Grade dirt, but delivering Grade D dirt that could almost qualify as gravel?
Spring always brings new things to life.
...Yeah, like my upcoming article about how over $100,000 of our so-called sewer debt - is for infrastructure that we no longer own or control, because your dumb ass gave it to the County for free!
This year for the first time in a while Stanfield will have lower property taxes for the upcoming year.
...It's called an 8 years later partial return of an only 2 year tax that you never let sunset, as originally advertised. That was an 8 cent per thousand property tax, the continuance of which resulted in your Administration basically stealing approx. $700,000.00 in funds you were never meant to have. This Six Cent Tax Scam (see our article at the link below), is simply you no longer hitting us with 6 of the original 8 cent per thousand tax.
This is only being done to try and save your Administration going into the new election cycle, never mind that only returning 6 cents per thousand means you will still be stealing the extra 2 cents.
The costs to operate the town has been reduced in large part by good use of financial resources.
...Once again - Stolen Money, via your never sunset fire tax!
from repairing sewer pumps.
...The cheapest, crapola ones we could buy at the time, complete with critical parts made of plastic!
to paying off debt to save interest.
...A big part of what we are still paying for is stuff that you and your Administration gave away to the County. Stanfield tax payers are such suckers and Barbee's Bandits just love that!
This year will be the first year since incurring the debt around 2000 that utilities are paying their way without your taxes being used to help with those costs.
...Good Lord, I hope so. Stanfield residents pay outrageous sewer fees, one would hope you bums and your ill gotten gain wouldn't have to charge us but half the amount you do!
We currently still carry about $215,000 in debt for utilities and expect to have this paid off in the next 12-24 months.
...Under the 8 cent tax theft that went on well beyond when it should have ended, all of this so-called debt (every dime we owe on everything) should have been paid off long ago!
Your town employees continue to amaze me. So often employees show up at work just to get a paycheck. Your town employees use their personal time to perform such tasks as stopping beside the road to pick up trash.
...Actually, that would be Rick Huggins and myself, neither of which are employees.
coordinate department employees to cover the work load and talk to resources about ways to better serve the town, Where else can people like this be found?
...Actually, the employees of Stanfield are the most terrified of losing their jobs group that I have ever seen. They will lie, obstruct, avoid paperwork, claim police equipment has failed (recording devices), when one of your co-conspirators is having a police report taken out on them by me, etc, etc. In the past, I have managed as many as 24 people myself and I can assure you, these town employees are on pins and needles, either directly because of Barbee's 'People are Expendable' mindset or the actions of approved former underlings, like that douche bag Robert 'Goldbrick' Harvey.
In closing, we believe Stanfield should use tax resources wisely
...Now that it's going to be much harder to keep pulling scams and stealing money through fraudulent taxation. and choose a balance between services and fees.
...Too little services, too many fees and way too much wasted money, please kill yourself.
We have planned and executed plans to create a great place to live along with a strong financial base which now includes lower tax rates.
...Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies.
Stanfield will now have one of the lowest property tax rates in Stanly County and soon will be debt free.
...Stanfield's tax rate should have never been as high as it had gotten, all this debt should have been paid down to zero long ago. So where did all the money from 8 years of an extra 8 cents per thousand of taxation go? The only reason your sorry ass is playing nicey cakes now is you are so busted and people are starting to watch your every move!
On a more happy note!
In an effort to develop new income streams and to help pay for his upcoming Soviet Era Statue at the park, Mayor 'GlitterBug' Barbee is 'reportedly' introducing yet another product line for your approval.
Yes, the newest addition to the OBEY line of products, is his sorta, kinda, not really Romantic Gift Cards collection. Please feel free to select one for yourself and remember - they are only 99 cents each and shipping and handling is a quite fair $11.08 per gift card.
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