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Slugfoot Page # 2
That Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith has been shut down, as to his latest Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme of Bar Owner (under other people's names, using other people's money), exact reason is unknown. I've been too busy lately to care or even be the first to know, focusing instead on a local Veterinarian who 'in my opinion' aided in the death of a family cat, due to professional neglect. But Hey, what do you expect from a shyster who rolled into town 'reportedly' with 12 different Social Security Cards being used for God only knows what! This No-Go order reportedly came from outside of Stanfield, reportedly from the State Level. Aside from this happening to the biggest shit bird I've ever met - I personally don't think Stanfield wants or needs a bar. Plus, who would eat a deli-sandwich made by someone with such dirty hands anyway.
Dirty Inside - Dirty Outside. Looks like the only Scam he has left is a reportedly Unlicensed Daycare being run out of Jake's Java - or whatever it's being called nowadays. Maybe Jason can join forces with James 'Special Favors' Schneider on some hurricane clean up missions selling overpriced bagged ice.
One can only hope that he will eventually bugger off, after all, he's pretty much shot his wad here in Stanfield. He may now be more hated than even Robert 'Gold Brick' Harvey. Whew!
I drove by the so-called Morgan's Tavern, during Prime Bar Hours on Saturday Night.
I saw an open sign lit up big as day, no activity and with zero customers inside, just as I predicted.
But, look on the bright side:
It gives Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith a place to park his trucks along with his Gypsy Vagabond trailers, plus a short section of sidewalk for him to use to circle the drain, while he reminds everyone that:
'He is a Town Councilman, blah, blah, blah' - as if anybody does or ever did care.
Yes, yet another 'Shell Game Business' in someone else's building, in someone else's name, with someone else's licenses, in order to avoid asset seizure for debts and liens owed, etc - best as we can tell.
It must really suck to have the unenviable talent of being able to Fark-up a One Car Funeral. Jeesh!
For Use on Slugs!
I had yet another run-in with 'Crap for Brains' today here we go with yet more juicy info, something I will do every time he messes with me.
Thanks to my many sources, several of whom also claim to despise this jerk - Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith has been running around town recently trying to borrow up to as much as $50,000 from locals (who apparently know better than to loan him free air, much less actual money) and he's been hitting on yet another, asking to borrow/use his work truck. Everyone told him to get stuffed - so, unfortunately for Slugfoot, his reputation seems to be proceeding him. My Opinion of this situation? - Face the Music Jason, it appears that you have just about Burned Out, as far as Stanfield is concerned.
Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith is also in the process of starting a new business (a sports bar) where the now gone Wishbone Pub was - yet another business (based on my research) that is also reportedly in his wife's name, no doubt to prevent seizure for money owed and due to liens & judgements that Jason has outstanding.
Jason better hope his wife never wakes up, because she can walk away with all his goodies, just like people are telling me Jason did to them - if she does, it will prove there is some justice in this world, after all.
The building the bar is reportedly owned by someone else, a person who was reportedly one of the last standing that was willing to help Jason out with $, as his world turned to poo on a stick, starting back in 2010.
Therefore, My opinion on the subject is - that Jason's Sports Bar idea is a 'Bail-In' in order to try and save the day by filling the space to cover the mortgage for the person who bought it from him, back when Jason was crashing out. I'm pretty sure that person is Not Happy right now and Jason looking for cash elsewhere may indicate that This Person is not willing to loan him anymore money either.
I have also heard that several former Wish Bone clients are saying that they will not be going back - because Jason will be running it, others are saying he has already pissed them off and they won't be going back either. Seems logical to predict that this sports bar will fail miserably, with Jason holding the bag
(actually his wife and/or the buildings owner, as Jason's problems become 'other peoples problems' apparently), while also ruining forever his position with this last Helpful Friend, thereby leaving Jason with None?....{Is it almost time for you to move on again - Jason?}
Jason's big crash was 'reportedly' in great part due to the loss of his Real-estate Broker License (June 2010), along with 'self evidently' his Credit Rating (losing well over 20 houses back to the bank), all of which trashed his soon to be infamous 'Invest With Me and get 12% APR' apparent house flipping Ponzi scheme, the same one he tried on me, when he asked me for $5,000 knowing he was losing his Broker License!
At the same time (as witnessed by me - June 17th, 2014)
He has also kept up his various rants and public displays of immaturity. Yesterday, I met Slugfoot coming the other way on the Town's main drag and gave him a wave (and even though 'reportedly' he has to be used to that style of wave by now), he apparently didn't like my version of saying Hello.
(I think there is an ordinance about such gestures?), one that Robert 'Goldbrick' Harvey might try and twist to Hell and Back (on the 2.5 days a week he actually 'appears' to show up for work.)
Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith then proceeded to circle around town and show up at the intersection across from my house. Jason proceeded to yell out his usual Latent Homosexual 'type' comments that included references to fingers, butts, butt openings and terms related to intercourse - his exact words being the non-family friendly versions of the words I used above.
Seems like every time Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith gets upset - he continuously refers to penises, body openings, punks, female dog related terms, unusual intercourse styles and other nasty things, so 'my opinion' is that Jason is a probable sexual deviant and filthy potty mouth, even though he reportedly also goes to church for his occasional cup of Jesus (or is it just to keep up appearances?)
Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith is also (as told to me by more locals) a hopeless gambler and (as I have already witnesses with my own eyes, as a former neighbor) he also appears to be an alcoholic. Are these some of the reason(s) for his constant need for money and the apparent abuse of his Councilman position in order to cover things up or gain favors? Why is he so desperate to look like an Important Person and a Big Man on Campus? Is it all just a walking scam-fest put on by a scared little boy with serious issues and a self loathing?
I personally think Jason is nothing more than a complete Fraud!
Between now and the next election - I will be advertising this website in the Charlotte Observer and all the local & County papers. I have been told I should also advertise in Monroe, his old stomping grounds, as he has many folks there that are not very happy with him and probably why he left and came here. There is an old adage (saying), that if you are going to cheat on your wife, find a girl that lives 3 bridges away, crooks use the same theme, so they won't be so close to the latest group of victims, who might alert the new group of potential victims. It's just my opinion, but - guess how many bridges there are between us and Monroe??
Therefore : Brace yourselves for yet more Juicy Tidbits and Nasty Cheese about this suspected Craphead and what he has been up to lately. I will be posting the information that I have been holding onto - which was not yet posted, but now will be. Money owed, including names and amount owed, court related info, people he has approached for money lately (in my opinion, people who could have been his newest victims), people's stories, people that will most likely never be repaid and the certain failure of his new adventure, the sports bar. Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith always ends up back at square one, a reportedly perpetual loser who just can't keep it together. Everything from drunken automotive nose dives into the Kudzu Patch near Rick Huggins house, back when he was love sick over a failed relationship with one of our favorite local waitresses, to directing his employees to tell folks he is paying them $45 Dollars an hour, so he can look like Mr. Big and a success that he actually is not.
* Apparently, Jason did not get ticketed for that drunken crash - yet another 'official' favor/cover up?
Also, on June 17th, Jason yelled out at the top of his voice - that I was a Piece of Shit (and with kids around, just down the street, on the sidewalk.) I find his choice of words interesting, because based on the comments made to me 'by people who really know Jason' ALL of them refer to HIM (Jason) as being THE Piece of Shit. (pardon my French) I have been told over and over and over and by so many people that Jason 'Slugfoot' Smith is nothing more than a stupid, yet crafty con-man and weasel, I now tend to agree.
Even after a police report filed against him, my taking him to Court, my Lawyer Letters, a Notice of No Trespassing and my Certified Letter to our County's Sheriff about him, this man-child still proceeds to do what he did yesterday, with children coming up the sidewalk.
* Now - Remember Jason, YOU are the one who started all this, Not ME.
All you had to do was apologize, in person and also in the local paper, for the bogus claims you made, including those made in public, during the recent Campaign for Town Council, in which I was a candidate.